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page 12: The quantum creation of Minkowski space12.1: Augustine and the Word made Flesh 12.2: A problem with quantum field theory 12.3: Is Hilbert space an appropriate foundation for a theory of everything?: 12.4: Evolution and our knowledge of the Universe? 12.5: Zero sum complexification 12.6: Spooky action at a distance 12.7: Gravitation, potential and kinetic energy 12.1 Augustine and the Word made FleshChristianity as we know it grew out of a paradigm change in Judaism, the ancient Hebrew theology. The change was originated by Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be the Son of God. In Hebrew terms, he was claiming to be the Son of Yahweh, a name given to the creator of the world in their fundamental text, the Book of Genesis. The Hebrew High Priests saw Jesus' claim as blasphemy and were pleased to see him tortured to death by the Roman occupiers of their holy city, Jerusalem. Judaism - Wikipedia Christians edited the Hebrew Bible, called it the Old Testament, and added the New Testament, an account of Jesus' life and work. The personalities of the divinities represented in these two books are very different. Yahweh is modelled on the imperial warlords who are still among us, jealous autocrats: I am the Lord Your God, you will have no other Gods before me. Yahweh condemned everybody to death because the first people disobeyed their command not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. Later they drowned everybody except Noah, his family and a selection of animals. Genesis flood narrative - Wikipedia Jesus appears as a very different person, a compassionate healer, a man of the people, a peacemaker who promised a happy ending to compassionate people who followed him and loved one another. His fate, unfortunately, was identical to that of the millions of others since who have stood against abuse of power. The theology of compassion continues the struggle against the theology of war and the state of Earth shows that it has a long way to go. My dream here is to promote another paradigm change by converting theology from mythology to science. The key to this change is the hypothesis that God is identical to the Universe we live in. This Universe plays all the roles traditionally attributed to Gods, creator, saviour and judge.
Since it was taken over by the Roman emperor Constantine in the fourth century, the Catholic Church has itself become an imperial, absolutist organization which has declared itself infallible and has a long history of violent action against "heretics".
As Christianity preserved much of Judaism, the aim here is to preserves as much as possible of Christianity. Yahweh was most resolutely one God. Christianity introduced three personalities in God, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. This idea became dogma at the Council of Nicea and is recorded in the Nicene Creed. This raised a massive problem for theologians: How do we reconcile the unity of God with the triplicity of divine personalities? Nicene Creed - Wikipedia One of the first to face this problem head on was Augustine of Hippo. His solution remains current in the Catholic Church, and serves the foundation for a return to the position taken by Thales of Miletus, that the world is full of gods. Thales of Miletus - Wikipedia, Augustine (419, 1991): The Trinity Augustine's treatise On the Trinity builds on two biblical ideas. Genesis tells us that God created us in their own image: God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; (Gn I:27). John's Gospel provides a name for the second person of the Trinity, the Word: In the beginning was the word . . . And the Word became flesh. Genesis 1:27: God creates humans, Gospel of John (USCCB): I: 1-14 The first part of Augustine's book is an examination of his own mind and the formation of a mental word that serves as a preliminary step before speaking or writing a sentence. This provides him with a psychological analogy for the procession of the second person of the Trinity, the Son or Word of God. We begin with an idea and then proceed to create the reality. Mary Sirridge (1999): "Quam videndo intus dicimus": Seeing and Saying in De Trinitate XV Here we understand the emergence of Hilbert space and quantum mechanics in the initial singularity by analogy with Augustine's notion of the Word of God and our own consciousness. The first step in this process is described on pages 9: The active creation of a Hilbert space and 10: The emergence of quantum mechanics From here we imagine five more steps to the realization of real physical particles in spacetime. On page 13: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space? we explain that Hilbert space is a layer of universal structure prior to Minkowski space, and therefore not subject to Einstein's special relativity and Lorentz transformation. We have no need for relativistic quantum mechanics at this level. On page page 14: "Measurement": the interface between Hilbert and Minkowski spaces we jump ahead a bit and discuss the measurement problem which has bedevilled quantum mechanics since the beginning. It similar the problem we face in this section, the creation of an event in Minkowski space from events (interactions) in Hilbert space. There we conceive measurement as a conversation in kinematic Hilbert space between dynamic particles in Minkowski space, the measured particle and the measuring particle, whose physical roles are in fact identical. Measurement problem - Wikipedia The next step page 15: Quantum amplitudes and logical processes are invisible explains why processes in quantum mechanics are invisible to us. A lot of our knowledge of quantum mechanics is based on trying to guess what is really happening then particles interact. It is not surprising that quantum field theory is a very troublesome subject which could easily be on the wrong track and become subject to radical revision. One of the difficulties of the big bang theory, from my point of view, is that it seems to assume that all the energy of the Universe is already present in the the initial singularity, allegedly a structureless entity with no means to store either information (entropy) or energy. Page 16: Potential + kinetic = zero energy universe explores an alternative, that the total energy of the Universe is zero. The energy we see in the particles created by quantum mechanics might then be derived from deepening the gravitational potential well in which the Universe resides. The process which uses gravitational potential energy to convert the invariant kinematic structures created by quantum mechanics into real dynamic particles which exist in Minkowski space is finally revealed on page 17: Gravitation and quantum theory—in the beginning. 12.2 A problem with quantum field theoryThe problems with quantum field theory to which Kuhlmann alludes arises partly from its confusing history. One problem lies in the difficult relationship between quantum mechanics (QM) and the special relativity theory (SRT). Kuhlmann writes: Historically, QFT resulted from the successful reconciliation of QM and SRT. In order to understand the initial problem one has to realize that QM is not only in a potential conflict with SRT. More exactly: the locality postulate of SRT [is in trouble], because of the famous EPR correlations of entangled quantum systems. There is also a manifest contradiction between QM and SRT on the level of the dynamics. The Schrödinger equation, i.e., the fundamental law for the temporal evolution of the quantum mechanical state function, cannot possibly obey the relativistic requirement that all physical laws of nature be invariant under Lorentz transformations. Quantum theory is described in Hilbert space, which is a mathematical space which bears a passing relationship to conventional physical spacetime, which is the home of special relativity. Special relativity is a classical theory, expressed in terms of the continuous mathematics and the standard topology of spacetime. Its specific difference, which make no difference to the analytic properties of Minkowski and Euclidean space, is that in terms of 4 dimensional space, the Euclidean metric is all positive, 1, 1, 1, 1, whereas the Minkowski metric has a negative component: 1, 1, 1, -1. Von Neuman, in his axiomatic treatment of abstract Hilbert space, draws attention to the mathematical analogy between Hilbert and Euclidean space. From this point of view, both are metric vector spaces which enable discussions of distance and angle. It was Einstein himself who pointed out that the difference between the two spaces is more important than their similarity when he drew attention to spooky action at a distance, now known as entanglement. John von Neumann (2014): Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, EPR Paradox - Wikipedia Although Hilbert space is analogous to Euclidean space, the difference between Minkowski space and Hilbert space is radical. Einstein formulated special relativity using rods to measure distance and clocks to measure time. The key to special relativity is the postulate that all observers in inertial motion see the same laws of physics, including the velocity of light, in their own rest frames. This condition implies the Lorentz transformation, which enables me to compute what my observations in my own frame would look like in a frame moving relative to myself. A consequence of this postulate is that if I could observe a clock on a photon it would appear to be stopped and the length of a ruler on photon aligned in its direction of motion would be zero. "Distance" in Hilbert space is not measured with rods and clocks, but with the inner product between two vectors f and g, written (f, g) which yields the angle (or argument) between the two vectors in their shared complex plane. This idea is illustrated in Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen's paper (EPR). Argument (complex analysis) - Wikipedia, Einstein, Podolsky & Rosen (1935): Can the Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? While accepting that quantum mechanics gives answers consistent with observation and measurement, EPR ask whether the theory is complete. They state their criterion for completeness as follows: Whatever the meaning applied to the term complete, the following requirement for a complete theory seems to be a necessary one: every element of the physical reality must have a counterpart in the physical theory. . . . We shall be satisfied with the following criterion, which we regard as reasonable. If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty (i.e. with probability equal to unity) the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of physical reality corresponding to this physical quantity. After a discussion of an application of quantum theory and non-commutation of certain variables, they concluded: While we have thus shown that the wave function does not provide a complete description of the physical reality, we left open the question of whether or not such a description exists. We believe, however, that such a theory is possible. This paper led to a long debate. In modern times it has been shown by experiment that entanglement is a fact and John Bell showed that quantum mechanics does not necessarily respect local causality. Page 13: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space? continues the discussion of the independence of Hilbert and Minkowski space. Salart, Baas, Branciard, Gisin & Zbinden (2008): Testing the speed of 'spooky action at a distance', John S. Bell (1987): Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics Here we proceed on the assumption quantum theory operates between two very different aspects of the layered structure of the world, the invisible formal processes in Hilbert space (corresponding to the "mind" of the world), and the observable dynamic processes in Minkowski space. As in our human minds and bodies, the coupling between these two layers of the world is loose, and we need to consider both to get the full picture. This idea is embedded in those legal theories of justice which require a mens rea to find a person guilty of crime. Mens rea - Wikipedia A simple modern demonstration of entanglement begins with two electrons in a singlet state, one spin up and the other spin down, which are then moved apart. We find that if an operator measuring the spin of the first electron in specific direction in three dimensional space observes that it has spin up, an operator measuring the spin of the other electron in the same direction will invariably find that its spin is down, even though the two electrons are so far apart that no light signal could travel between them to correlate their spins (that is, they are spacelike separated). On the other hand, if the second operator measures the spin of their electron in any other direction, they will find that its spin is distributed at random, half up and half down, as would be expected if there was no influence from the state of the first electron. It seems that relativistic restrictions on real space-time do not apply to Hilbert space, 12.3 Is Hilbert space an appropriate foundation for a theory of everything?We are inclined to take classical space-time as given and see it emerging fully formed from the initial singularity. This Minkowski spacetime is understood to be the domain of quantum field theory, so that the fields of quantum field theory described in Hilbert space are subject to the Lorentz transformations of the special theory of relativity. Martinus Veltman (1994): Diagrammatica: The Path to the Feynman Rules, page 20
This attachment of Hilbert space to Minkowski space may be the source of much of the confusion arising in quantum field theory. There may be a solution in the idea that Hilbert space and quantum mechanics are the underlying processes that explain all the structure on the Universe, including Minkowski spacetime. This approach may serve to clarify quantum field theory and provide a role for gravitation in the creation of the dynamic quantum mechanical structure of the world. I like to see the world as a layered computational network whose basic hardware layer comprises the initial singularity which is the source of the kinematic Hilbert space whose invisible inner processes are the subject of quantum mechanics. Like engineered communication networks, this network is layered, from hardware at the base to users at the top. Each layer acts as a symmetry or algorithm, breaking the symmetry of the layer beneath it and being applied to provide services to the layer above. Users may be people, corporations or machines. Overall the lowest layer is the initial singularity which we identify with the traditional God of Aquinas and the topmost layer is the Universe itself, created, as Thales may have imagined imagined, from an enormous number of copies of the initial singularity. Internet Protocol - Wikipedia, Thomas Aquinas: Commentary on Aristotle's De Anima: Lectio 10: The Agent Intellect This picture is formulated in terms of Turing computation and Shannon communication and the internet is a convenient real model, which (when it is working as designed) provides deterministic addressing of resources and error free transmission of data. It is a human artefact with deep roots in science and technology. We may safely conclude that it is also a product of evolution, the biological evolution that created us and the hypothetical evolutionary process discussed on this site that created the physical universe. The idea is that the Universe arises from a structureless but omnipotent initial singularity constrained only by the axiom that real physical contradictions cannot exist. Our scientific studies in Minkowski space lead us to believe that this axiom holds in the observable world where we work, but what of Hilbert space? Is it real? Apart from the difficulties with relativity which appear to be inherent in QFT Kuhlmann identifies another set problems in the passage quoted at the beginning of this page: In conclusion one has to recall that one reason why the ontological interpretation of QFT is so difficult is the fact that it is exceptionally unclear which parts of the formalism should be taken to represent anything physical in the first place. And it looks as if that problem will persist for quite some time. We have taken special relativity out of the picture at the Hilbert level of structure but it is integral to the Minkowski layer. It must reappear as soon as we have dealt with the representation problem. The key here is to distinguish kinematic from dynamic entities. Kinematic objects are dead in the sense that they cannot move themselves, but must be moved by something else. Mathematics, which includes Hilbert space, is kinematic. It does not do itself. It is done by mathematicians, machines or the Universe. Dynamic objects are alive and move themselves. Kinematics - Wikipedia, Dynamics - Wikipedia Aristotle was aware of this distinction. He saw that Plato’s ideas are purely formal and inert, like puppets. Since they could not move themselves, he devised an unmoved mover to move them. Since he held no potential can actualize itself, this mover must be pure action. Aquinas took this for a definition of God: God is actus purus. Here we identify this unmoved mover with the initial singularity. Since in the beginning the singularity is all that there is, it must create the world within itself and it must be dynamic. The Hilbert space and quantum mechanics that grow within it are kinematic. Unmoved mover - Wikipedia There was a time when mathematics was considered to be consistent, computable and complete. Gödel and Turing have shown us that consistency does no guarantee completeness or computability. From the naive point of view taken on this site, this means that no divinity, no matter how omniscient or omnipotent, can totally control the world. The way is open in kinematic mathematics for variation, the foundation of evolution. Gödel's incompleteness theorems - Wikipedia, Alan Turing (1936): On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem 12.4: Evolution and our knowledge of the Universe?The absolute simplicity of the initial singularity precludes it from carrying any design for the Universe it is about to create. Since it has no prior knowledge, anything that it does will be a random act or a sequence of random acts, an appropriate beginning for a process of evolution which owes its creativity to random variation.
Since Darwin devised the theory of evolution using his knowledge of animal and plant breeding and observations he made on the different beak shapes of finches in the Galapogos Islands, we have learnt to sequence genes and gained detailed knowledge of biological evolution, of mutation and of the transcription of genes into proteins which are the dynamic elements of life. We known that the average genome contains about one billion symbols, the bases, adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine in DNA and uracil replacing thymine in RNA. Every one of these bases is subject to mutation, so the genetic space of possibility is approximately one billion to the fourth power; 1036. Of course only a tiny fraction of these possibilities, billions nevertheless, represent the viable creatures naturally selected to survive and reproduce on their environment. Nucleic acid - Wikipedia Here we are imagining Hilbert spaces with up to a countable infinity of ai basis states normalized to 1 which may be multiplied by parameters pi and added together to form vectors which are normalized by the condition Σi (pi)2 = 1. This system provides an enormous range of variation from which quantum mechanics may select stable states to be taken to the next stage in building the Universe. This model suggests that rather than consider spacetime to be the domain of quantum theory, it might be more reasonable to understand spacetime to be a layer of reality which has evolved from elements provided by quantum mechanics. We suppose that quantum mechanics is the underlying symmetry that is applied (and broken) to create stable spacetime and the stable elements within it. The discussion of invisibility on page 15: Quantum amplitudes and logical processes are invisible explains why it may be that we cannot see what is going on in Hilbert space. Here we come to an interesting part of this story, the interface between the abstract invisible quantum world that explores possible futures in the Universe behind the scenes, and the world of space, time, momentum, energy and observable particles (at every scale, like ourselves, stars and planets) in which we live. Spacetime may be the stable screen and dynamic memory within which we observe everything that happens. It serves as the operating system of the Universe, controlling input to and output from the invisible world of quantum computation which actually runs the world in Hilbert space. (See page 20: Space-time—the cosmic memory and operating system). Nielsen & Chuang (2016): Quantum Computation and Quantum Information How does structural information flow from Hilbert space to Minkowski space and back? This question, often known as the measurement problem, has been debated since the beginning of quantum mechanics and is taken up on page 14: Measurement: the interface between Hilbert and Minkowski spaces.
12.5: Zero sum complexificationA key idea here is tautological or zero-sum complexification. (See page 26 Principle 2: Zero sum complexification) This feature of the world has already appeared unremarked on page 10: The emergence of quantum mechanics. There, since it is of the nature of action to act, and we define energy as the rate of action, we may see that action of its nature (ie tautologically and kinematically) creates a logical analogue of energy. From this point of view the kinematic emergence of time, energy and phase adds a new feature to the initial singularity while preserving its underlying simplicity. The idea here is that each step in the complexification of the Universe is an evolutionary process that steps through a phase of randomness and uncertainty to create new distinct entities whose sum is the symmetry from which they emerged, like potential and kinetic energy or positive and negative charge. If we imagine any particular symmetry as a zero point which is broken in the process of creation, this break occurs in such a such a way that the sum of the broken elements remains zero. The sequence of creative processes that have led from the initial singularity to the present can be understood to have preserved the integrity of initial symmetry while creating a complex world. This process may be reversed locally by gravitational collapse (see page 17: Gravitation and quantum theory—in the beginning). In his lectures on gravitation Feynman notes that the total energy of the Universe may be zero. Primordial symmetries are broken to create new features of the world. These symmetries are not thereby destroyed because they remain as the common source of a set of differentiated states. Action is therefore inherent in the products of every differentiation. Energy and time, understood as the evolution of phase, enter the world with the emergence of quantum mechanics and are a feature of every subsequent layer of its structure. This symmetry ultimately underlies the conservation of energy which is a result of the differentiation of the rate of change of phase represented in Hilbert space into the potential and kinetic energy we observe in Minkowski space. (See page 16: Potential + kinetic = zero energy universe). Richard Feynman (2002): Feynman Lectures on Gravitation, page 10, Zero-energy universe - Wikipedia 12.6: Spooky action at a distanceLet us assume that communication and causality require contact. Isaac Newton was forced by circumstances to admit that gravitation was some sort of "action at a distance", which we understand to be impossible in ordinary space. Quantum entanglement in Hilbert space led Einstein to imagine "spooky action at a distance". We shall suggest on page 13: Is Hilbert space independent of Minkowski space? that this is possible because quantum mechanics works in the world before spatial distance in the Newtonian sense has emerged. In the space-time world contact is maintained by particles moving at the speed of light which follow "null geodesics" whose creation (source) and annihilation (sink) coincide in spacetime. Geodesics in general relativity - Wikipedia, Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia The most peculiar feature of Minkowski spacetime is its metric ημν, which is diagonal 1, 1, 1, -1 (or equivalently 1, -1, -1, -1). This suggests that zero sum bifurcation is at work, so that in some sense space + time = 0. The principal ingredients of a model of the emergence of spacetime are therefore symmetry, zero bifurcation and the speed of light. The null geodesic, made possible by the Minkowski metric, is the accommodation made in spacetime to maintain contact in Hilbert space after the emergence of space. The velocity of light is an artefact of this accomodation and enables contact in the quantum world to continue uninterrupted despite the emergence of space. How can this happen? We invoke the evolutionary principle that uncontrolled action can try everything, and that consequences of these trials that are self sustaining are selected and may become fixed with lives of varying length. Some, like the proton and the structure of Minkowski spacetime may be effectively eternal. Minkowski space - Wikipedia, Proton decay - Wikipedia Interaction is local. Before space enters the world, contact is inevitable and quantum systems can evolve unitarily without interruption. To correlate their evolution, spatially separated systems must communicate to maintain contact. The metric of Minkowski space enables the existence of null geodesics whose endpoints are in contact because the space-time interval between them is zero. The unitary contact of spatially separated systems can thus be maintained if the messenger travelling between them proceeds at the speed of light in Minkowski space. In other words the speed of light makes space possible by maintaining the integrity of the contact and unitarity that is essential to the work of quantum mechanics, and this "trick" explains the Minkowski metric. Kevin Brown (2018): Reflections on Relativity, page 693. 12.7: Gravitation, potential and kinetic energyIt has been generally assumed that Minkowski space is the domain of Hilbert space so that it is necessary to apply Lorentz transformations to both Hilbert spaces and particles in quantum field theory. This may not be necessary if Hilbert space is prior to and independent of Minkowski space. It may be that this approach removes some of the ontological confusion that Kuhlmann identifies. Martinus Veltman (1994): op cit page 20
This is a key page for this site, since the creation of Minkowski space from Hilbert space by the cosmic discovery of the Minkowski metric introduces a valuable degree of freedom into the creative computational power of the Universe. This may seem too good to be true, but on the other hand if the Universe started as a quantum initial singularity prior to space-time something like this event must have occurred on the way from then to now and, given the layered network in Minkowski space to be described on page 19: Network I: Cooperation, must still exist and be effective now. From the point of view of spacetime, we can say that EPR were right, quantum mechanics is incomplete. The Hilbert space of quantum mechanics may have countably infinite dimensions, but physically these are all dimensions measured in one dimension, time or frequency. The mechanism of quantum mechanics, implemented by Hermitian operators, works on all these dimensions at once constrained only by the conservation of energy measured by the simple quantum mechanical kinematic expression for energy, E = hf where f is the rate of change of phase. Although energy measured by frequency may be moved from one dimension in Hilbert space to another, the overall energy measured in this way as the sum of frequencies is conserved. In the Schrödinger representation of the evolution of a quantum system, this conservation is law is maintained by the requirement of unitarity. The Schrödinger equation describes the process in Hilbert space where all the Hilbert vectors are in contact with one another by superposition, Regardless of the complexity of the superposition the "length" all vectors is normalized to 1, equivalent to a phase of 2π. This is another way of expressing the conservation of energy. The situation changes when we introduce Minkowski spacetime which enables the independent existence of isolated quantum systems. These particles, each with an associated Hilbert space obeying the rules proposed above, may now exchange dynamic energy, opening up a new degree of freedom. No longer is energy just shared by vectors in a given Hilbert space, the Hilbert spaces associated with different particles may gain or lose energy from or to other particles. The game played in Minkowski space has become much more complex. The peculiar metric of Minkowski space makes this quantum exchange of energy between different particles possible.
We are now dealing in dynamic energy, not the kinematic energy represented by E=hf and this exchange is governed by the Minkowski metric, that is by Lorentz transformations.
(revised Wednesday 7 August 2024) |
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